Digital Media Tools Small Cover

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Table of Contents

[The full Table of Contents, reproduced from Digital Media Tools, 3rd edition]

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  1. 1 Introduction1
    1. Safe Working with Digital Media Tools 6
  2. 2 Interface Basics9
    1. Platforms11
    2. Menus and Commands13
      1. File Menu 13
      2. Edit Menu 15
      3. Help Menu 17
      4. Keyboard Shortcuts 20
      5. Context Menus 21
    3. Panels23
      1. Panel Groups and Docks 24
      2. Workspaces 27
      3. Panel Controls 27
    4. Common Panels29
      1. Tools Panel 29
      2. Options Bar, Control and Properties Panels 30
      3. Layers Panel 32
      4. Navigator Panel 35
      5. History Panel 38
    5. Automating Repetitive Tasks42
      1. Replaying History 42
      2. Actions 43
    6. Layout Aids46
      1. Rulers and Grids 46
      2. Guides 48
  3. 3 Bridge51
    1. The Browser Window52
      1. The Default View 53
      2. Other Workspaces 55
      3. Rotating 58
      4. Slide Shows 58
      5. Compact Mode 59
      6. Stacks 60
    2. Navigation and File Operations62
      1. Navigation 62
      2. File and Folder Operations 63
      3. Interacting with Other Programs 64
    3. File Organization65
      1. Ratings, Labels and Keywords 65
      2. Metadata 67
      3. Filtering and Sorting 68
      4. Retrieval 70
  4. 4 Photoshop73
    1. Fundamentals75
      1. Opening and Importing Images 75
      2. Saving and Exporting 77
      3. Resolution 81
      4. Modes and Colour Spaces 87
      5. Creating Images 89
      6. Layers 91
    2. Making and Using Selections102
      1. Marquee Selection and Cropping 103
      2. Lasso Selections 106
      3. Selecting by Colour 107
      4. Paths 111
      5. Combining and Transforming Selections 112
      6. Selecting and Extracting Objects 115
      7. Masks 118
    3. Adjustments and Retouching124
      1. Tonal Adjustments 125
      2. Colour Adjustments 133
      3. Retouching by Hand 142
    4. Effects and Filters146
      1. Smart Filters 149
      2. Blurring and Sharpening 151
      3. Artistic Filters and Distortion 156
      4. Layer Effects and Layer Styles 157
      5. Vanishing Point 159
    5. Painting Pixels163
      1. The Paintbrush and Pencil 163
      2. The Brushes Panel 167
      3. Selecting with Brushes 170
      4. Erasing 171
      5. Fills 173
    6. Animation179
      1. Animated GIFs 179
      2. The Animation Panel 180
      3. Animating Layer Properties 185
  5. 5 Illustrator191
    1. Fundamentals193
      1. Vector Graphics 193
      2. Creating Documents 194
    2. Technical Drawing195
      1. Stroke and Fill 197
      2. Shape Tools 199
    3. Freehand Drawing206
    4. Manipulating Objects211
      1. Selection 211
      2. Transforming Objects 213
      3. Reshaping 218
    5. Appearance222
      1. Complex Fills and Strokes 223
      2. Live Paint 226
      3. Effects, Filters and Styles 229
      4. 3D Effects 235
      5. Warping 240
      6. The Appearance Panel 241
    6. Symbols245
      1. Symbols and Instances 245
      2. Symbol Sets and the Symbolism Tools 248
      3. Symbols and 3D 250
    7. Bitmaps252
      1. Combining Bitmaps and Vector Art 252
      2. Importing Bitmaps 255
      3. Manipulating Bitmapped Images 257
      4. Live Trace 258
    8. Shared Features262
      1. Selection 262
      2. Colour 264
      3. Drawing Aids 270
      4. Layers 274
      5. Type 276
      6. Web Graphics 280
  6. 6 Flash287
    1. Basic Concepts289
      1. Documents and Movies 289
      2. The Stage and the Timeline 292
    2. Artwork295
      1. Drawing 296
      2. Selection 302
      3. Transformations and Reshaping 305
      4. Graphic Symbols 308
      5. Importing Artwork 311
    3. Animation316
      1. Animating One Frame at a Time 316
      2. Motion Tweening 319
      3. Editing Animations 329
      4. Animated Symbols 335
      5. Shape Tweening 340
    4. Sound and Video345
      1. Sound 345
      2. Video 348
  7. 7 Dreamweaver357
    1. Fundamentals359
      1. Web Pages and Sites 359
      2. User Interface 361
      3. Preferences 370
    2. Formatting Web Pages372
      1. Structure and Appearance 372
      2. Layout 373
      3. Simple Formatting 376
      4. Font Properties 379
      5. Backgrounds 384
      6. Links 387
      7. Lists 389
    3. Using CSS391
      1. Displaying and Editing Rules 392
      2. Creating CSS Rules 396
      3. CSS and Layout 402
    4. Page Content408
      1. Images 408
      2. Flash Movies and Video 417
      3. Tables 420
      4. Forms 422
    5. JavaScript426
      1. Behaviours 426
      2. The Spry Framework 430
    6. Sites440
      1. Local and Remote Sites 440
      2. Assets and Templates 448
      3. Templates 450
  8. 8 Shared Concepts455
    1. Colour456
      1. Colour Models and Modes 456
      2. Picking Colours 460
      3. Gradients 467
    2. Typographic Controls472
      1. Entering Type 472
      2. Formatting Type 473
    3. Bézier Curves481
    4. Web Graphics488
      1. Web Image Files 488
      2. Optimizing for the Web 491
  9. Index505

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